Career Profile
I teach Computer Science at Aberystwyth University and research applied computer graphics and data vis; working from 2D images to 3D immersive environments, I’m interested in things we can do to help people get more out of their data.
Green Digital Transformation
- 2024 Co-I, UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Powys County Council
Institute of Coding in Wales Digital Skills Bootcamps
- 2023-24 Aberystwyth PI, HEFCW and Welsh Government
Through their eyes - virtual experience as a help-seeker of domestic violence and abuse
- 2022 PI, Welsh Government and Wales Data Nation Accelerator
Approximating the colour of Mars
- 2020-24 PI, PhD Studentship, AIMLAC CDT
Advanced Media Production
- 2019-23 PI, ESF/WEFO
ESA ExoMars - PanCam and Enfys Instruments
- 2018-28 Co-I, UK Space Agency
Co-Production of alternative views of lost heritage
- 2014-15 PDRA, AHRC
Alternative views on the lost heritage of Gwynedd
- 2013-14 RA, AHRC
A Virtual Environment for Rugby Skills Training
- 2010-14 PhD Candidate, ESF KESS/Bangor University/Rygbi Innovations
Selected Publications
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 40 (2), 71-81
Springer Transactions on computational science XXVI, 91-110
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 9 (1), 1-18
Sage Information Visualization
Springer Transactions on Computational Science XXIII
Elsevier Computers & Graphics